
Short Story (Crime)
Craig was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and desperately wants to prove himself in the world of high finance. Will he jump on the money train, or be crushed under its wheels? Two minute reading time.
Photo: Sanaan Mazhar/Pexels
The lift doors opened at the penthouse, and Craig stepped into a room of extravagance. Crystal chandeliers, plaster ceilings twelve feet above the parquetry tiles, with floor to ceiling windows overlooking Manhattan’s brilliant nighttime skyline. A quartet played jazz, often drowned out by the rise and fall of hundreds of conversations. Suits and cocktail dresses. This was Craig’s world. Born into it and with his twenty-first birthday now behind him, he felt very comfortable here. He grabbed Blair’s hand and said, “Come on, let’s get squiffy!”
Craig dragged her to the bar. She seemed distracted, looking around. Probably overawed, he thought. He ordered two martinis, a grey goose for himself and an espresso for Blair.
“Oh, there he is darling,” said Blair.
“John Plexan.”
Craig was sipping his martini, and it nearly went down the wrong way as his mind raced. Blair didn’t have Craig’s trust fund, but apparently, she’d invested her modest allowance with this Plexan character, who had the Midas touch. She’d spent weeks telling Craig about him, listing the high net worth individuals that entrusted Plexan with their millions. And he repays that trust handsomely, apparently. He was just what Craig had been looking for. A way to show his mother that he could turn his twenty million dollar trust fund into something much bigger. But Blair had warned him that Plexan didn’t take on many new clients, so he’d need to impress him.
Blair took Craig’s hand and pulled him through the crowd. Craig had already had a few drinks on the way here and stumbled as he came face to face with the man who could make or break his aspirations.
“John Plexan,” said Blair, “I’d like to introduce you to Craig Hern the third junior.”
Plexan turned to take in the couple, with a smile so bright and genuine that Craig immediately liked him. “Well Craig, I’m mighty pleased to make your acquaintance.” The man’s voice dripped with southern breeding. “From what Blair’s told me, ah think we’re gonna be fine friends. And I look after ma friends. I understand you’re looking for investments that return 20% with no risk?”
Ten minutes earlier, Plexan looked into the bottom of his whisky glass. Nearly empty, much like his bank account at the moment. Still, Blair had been cultivating a couple of likely marks and was bringing one to meet him tonight. Speak of the devil, there she is now, looking stunning as always. Being pulled out of the lift by a posh twat. Sweaty, pudgy with that all confident look of the silver spoon crowd. That must be him. It’ll be a pleasure to take his money!
“John Plexan,” said Blair, “I’d like to introduce you to Craig Hern the third junior.”
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