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Touring Car RC Racer's Guide
264 page Book and eBook
A complete guide to 1/10 scale electric Touring Cars, with everything you need to know from basic setup how-to's to advanced techniques used by world champions. Everything you need to drive faster is in this book.
Driving faster is a process:
Determine the fastest racing lines around a particular track - we show you how
Changing the setup of your car so it is easy to drive those lines quickly - comprehensive advice
Practising driving those lines - most effective use of practice time
We provide you with the information you need to fast track your success, whether racing or bashing. Whether you're a beginner, club racer or pro driver. This essential addition to your pit space is packed full of information which will give you the edge, in an easy to read format with examples:
Step-by-step guides
Advice for every setup option
Case studies
Quick reference material
Pro tips from IFMAR world champions
With Pro Tips from IFMAR World Champions

Marc Rheinard
3 x Touring Car IFMAR World Champion
2 x 1/12th IFMAR World Champion
3 x European Touring Car Champion
8 x National Touring Car Champion
7 x Reedy Race USA TC Champion

Ronald Völker
Touring Car IFMAR World Champion
9 x European Champion
15 x National Champion
5 x European Touring Series Overall Champion
3 x Reedy Race USA TC Champion

"In 2016 I wrote my book Speed Secrets, detailing everything I knew at that time about car preparation and setup. Four years on and I have updated specifics with the latest tools and tips for this book."
4 x Modified Australian National Champion
10 x State Champion
17th at the 2016 IFMAR World Championship

Ryan Maker

70+ pages of advice for every car setting from A-Z; what they do, how they work, effects and advice

23 pages of advice on how to drive faster. Includes setup theory, fast driving tutorial, and how to apply this theory to any track.

30 pages of case studies for carpet and asphalt tracks. Describes actual race meetings, and how skilled drivers approached their setup, what changes they made, why, and the results

14 pages of quick reference checklists.
Covers all of the common problems and situations you might encounter. Car is spinning out? Wanders on the straight? Doesn’t have enough steering?
We’ve got you covered.

How to Build your car like a pro.
Mount your Body Shell for maximum performance.
How to fix a Tweaked car.
Beginner's guide.
History of Touring Cars.
Detailed Glossary of terms.
... and much much more!